There are 6 main sleeping positions. The one you adopt for most of the night, particularly in deep sleep (when sleep apnea is at its worst), is important. You need to choose a Cpap mask that will do the job without causing discomfort. Luckily, you can choose a Cpap mask to suit you and the way you sleep, from a large range of full face and nasal mask designs.
Side sleeping positions:
1. The Foetus: you sleep curled up. This is the most common sleeping position.
2. The Log: legs elongated and at least one arm by your side.
3. The Yearner: on your side, with arms extended.
Choose a flexible Cpap mask design, with soft buckles, cloths under straps and padding. Masks should be configured so they are comfortable and won’t press uncomfortably on your face. The right Cpap mask must fit tightly enough that it doesn’t get pushed aside in the night. Flexible Cpap masks come in designs to suit all faces – and all levels of pillow hugging and restlessness!
Sleeping on your stomach:
4. The Freefaller: you sleep on your stomach, holding your pillow.
The best Cpap mask for this position is a soft nasal mask with gel padding. Configurations allow for unobstructed face turning.

Sleeping on your back:
This is the worst sleeping position for obstructive apnea sufferers!
5. The Soldier: You sleep flat on your back with arms straight at your side.
6. The Starfish: with your arms above your head.
Although it’s best to not sleep on your back if you suffer from sleep apnea, it’s hard to break the habit.
Cpap masks with headgear that attach at the crown rather than the back of the head, are the best choice for this sleeping position. They should also have gel padding to help keep your head elevated. This helps reduce sleep apnea incidents – and is essential for ‘soldier sleepers’.
How do you know how you sleep, and to choose a CPAP Mask
Record yourself sleeping over a few nights. Your doctors can assist with this evaluation, or your Cpap professional can arrange this as part of your consult. They will then advise you on the best Cpap mask to use, taking into account all other factors in your need for Cpap. Choose a Cpap mask to suit your sleeping position and sleep safely and sleep better!